Saturday, July 21, 2007
How many times must I walk away....
Thursday, July 12, 2007
What time is it?
It seems to explain how my life is heading....
What Time Is It?
One of the most important things we need to realize right now is that we have entered into a very significant season of transition in the body of Christ. There is a shift taking place from the church age to the kingdom age. Everything we have known about “doing church” is about to be turned upside down. Religious structures and mindsets that have not been founded on the pure word of God are being uprooted and pulled down, so God can download new revelation, strategies and blueprints from heaven to see the establishment of His kingdom on earth. This shift is critical to the end-time preparation of a glorious Bride and our enemy, knowing that he cannot stop God’s eternal purposes, is doing all that he can to “change the set times and the laws” of God (Daniel 7:5). This strong spiritual dullness is meant to make us insensitive and unaware of the urgency of the hour. It is vital that at this time, we remain “self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings.” 1 Peter 5:8-9, July 11, 2007
A lot of great and amazing things have happened to me since my last post.
God has been very good to me in the past month.
I have been able to get in touch with God, by heading to his loving embrace of his mountains.
The vastness and grandure of his Glory is so obvious there to me. I went to this awesome beautiful wonder, called the Maligne Canyon in Jasper National Park, it spoke to me of persistance and patience.

One day in your courts is better than thousands elsewhere!

Thank You Lord for showing me your will.
During this experience I was accepted as an apprentice mentor for Settings Captives Free.
I can see how the Lord is teaching me his ways through this journey. I can see how this experience is going to mold me even more into the Man he wants me to be! Everything is slowly and surely falling into place as the Lord wills it for me. I will keep on praying for patience and perseverence. Amen
I have been remarkably calm this past week, it's seems so amazing, how the Lord is putting the right students in my path for mentoring.