Have you ever felt like you were losing yourself? Well these past few months I have felt exactly like that. I have just recently moved my family closer to our immediate families, and found my self wondering what the heck was I thinking...don't get me wrong I don't regret changing jobs or anything like, that, this move was the best thing for my sanity, but for my spiritually I don't think so. This has a been huge forging part in my life. I have been submerged in a pool of disbelief, and find myself gasping for life. In my new work place there are a few people that are completely disbelievers in Religion and God, and I am not the first person who is going to try and argue a point, but they too know where I stand in my belief system, of salvation, and faith alone in Christ, not religion... so you will see no sides taken here on religion...faith in Christ and his gift of life for us through his Blood is the only truth I cling desperately on too, but I found myself faltering, falling into my questioning of what is truth, what is the reality of life, a made up system of belief to control a savage society known as humans from wiping themselves off the face of this planet. I am even caught up with pondering thoughts of what is there after we die...even if I should know better, that there is Christ and life eternal...can I trust these promises.... a million plus believers can't be wrong or mislead could they be? I can't believe it, but I feel so caught up in this mundane world of emptiness, nothing out of the ordinary or special, and I wonder, how did I get to this place again. I truly believe that by not being in a Church family for this long period
of time, has left me vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy and has allowed him to get me actually start listening again(not literally I don't hear voices : ) ) other then my own thoughts. I just wonder how I can get the courage to live my life for Christ completely to be able to trust in Him completely to have a relationship with him, not just the knowledge of him and what he has done for me and all of us.

I want to know him personally each day, and I wonder how to go about doing that to the fullest.
I need to feel connected again, instead of swept away in this current of life. Someone throw me a rope...